home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 pw$="kathleen" :rem password
- 15 fi$="quantum" :rem filename to load
- 20 if a=1 then new
- 30 input"[147]security code";c$
- 40 ifc$=pw$thena=1:load fi$,8,1
- 50 new
- 60 :
- 70 :
- 100 :line # -- what it does
- 105 :----------------------------------
- 110 :-10-->contains the password to be : entered
- 120 :-15-->contains the filename to be : loaded
- 130 :-20-->clears this program from : memory after loading
- 140 :-30-->prompts the user to enter the : password
- 150 :-40-->if what the user entered (c$) : matches the password (pw$),
- 160 : then load the program (fi$)
- 170 :-50-->the user did not enter the : correct password, so this
- 180 : program is destroyed.